Explora Films teams have travelled all over the World filming documentaries about nature, anthropology, culture, etc., in order to offer the widest possible view of life on earth in the new documentary series “The Third Planet” THE THIRD PLANET will take us on a hair raising journey around the world, and will show the viewer the most amazing natural locations; each continent’s wild fauna; the most unknown tribes and ethnic groups; the secret religions and rituals; the marine life of seas and oceans; the architectural remains of the most remote cultures and civilisations; and the most important cities and museums of our time. In THE THIRD PLANET, and together with the various Explora Films teams, we shall climb mountains and glaciers; travel through jungles and across deserts; we shall sail along the legendary jungle rivers and seas we to reach the ends of the earth.

Spanish, English
Wildlife / Anthropology
26 x 26'
Explora Films / Impala